Monday, May 18, 2009

Fight over in Sri Lanka for some

The Sri Lankan military has finally defeated the Tamil Tigers(LTTE). Now most Tamils are in military camps, and under security, the government claims is for their own safety. This is scary business, the Tamils have been fighting for equal rights in Sri Lanka for 26 years. These people were brought to Sri Lanka by the Brits as slave labor, and ever since that have gained so called "freedom", the majority Sinhala have tryed to rid this island of Tamils. I am afraid that with the international community not hearing the crys of the Tamils, many of these people in government camps are in danger of genocide. I have written congress people with respect to this issue and have not recieved any return communication. Who do these people in govenment think they are?


  1. Peace is every step.

    -- Thich Nhat Hahn

    Be encouraged. Every step you are making is important.

  2. I understand it is a process, but I guess I was naive to think that just because people are suffering that someone would care. Its too much blood.

  3. Thank you for bringing this pertinent issue to our attention. I might have been ignorant regarding this issue, but the media does not shed as much light on issues such as these (i.e. issues do not serve their interests). I think that it is the duty of independent journalists like you to bring this issue to the public because injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. Keep it up!

  4. I agree. It is too much blood. Keep being a voice for the voiceless.
